Monday 16 May 2011

is selena gomez and justin bieber dating

is selena gomez and justin bieber dating. justin-ieber-selena-gomez
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  • kirk26
    Apr 5, 02:04 PM
    Only thing more shaky than a JB iPhone is a POS Scion. They deserve each other.

    Nothing wrong with a Scion there, buddy. ;)

    is selena gomez and justin bieber dating. JustinBieberSelenaGomez.jpg
  • JustinBieberSelenaGomez.jpg

  • orbino
    Sep 11, 03:26 PM
    The assumption is for new Nanos and new 5G videos with more capacity...but nobody has conjectured on the form factors for these. Same thickness? Same sized screens? For what it's worth, we might have some circumstantial evidence in this arena...

    Some of you might be familiar with our high-end, form-fitting iPod cases (Orbino ( Our cases are precisely fit for each model, so every millimeter counts.

    Well...a couple weeks ago, the iPod marketing manager for Apple in Europe contacted us requesting samples for a press presentation "long lead time" consumer magazines. They were presenting the top iPod accessories for Christmas-related articles.

    She asked us for three leather case models for the presenation: our Cambio case for the current iPod video; and our Sportivo and Cambio models for the iPod Nano. One would assume, therefore, that the form factors will remain virtually the same -- otherwise, why would Apple have asked us for those cases to present to the press for the Christmas season?

    But then again with Apple, you never know!

    is selena gomez and justin bieber dating. Selena Gomez is excited to
  • Selena Gomez is excited to

  • isomorphic
    May 6, 12:32 AM
    Can always have a system with ARM AND x86 CPUs.

    You beat my post by mere moments. ;)

    is selena gomez and justin bieber dating. Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber
  • Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber

  • mdntcallr
    Sep 11, 06:10 AM
    I am hoping that tuesday brings all of this and more:
    video ipod
    new flash based ipod
    New MBP
    New Media Center Mac which can play do pics/aperture/games + more

    is selena gomez and justin bieber dating. justin bieber and selena gomez
  • justin bieber and selena gomez

  • ptysell
    Apr 26, 04:17 PM
    "Android" makes money? Really? Can you provide me with a link of how much Android makes?

    Googles revenue from the entire Android platform is just under 1 billion dollars per yer.

    On the other hand Apples revenue is 1.4 billion per quarter for iTunes alone.

    is selena gomez and justin bieber dating. justin bieber dating 2011,
  • justin bieber dating 2011,

  • shawnce
    Aug 2, 11:06 AM
    Woot WWDC is getting close ... just gotta pack my bags and drive up on Sunday, should be an interesting week (over 1/3 of the sessions are still marked as to be announced, historically many of those relate to new technologies).

    is selena gomez and justin bieber dating. Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber
  • Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber

  • kwikdeth
    May 7, 10:32 AM
    I've heard similar rumors about MobileMe going free. Makes sense if Apple could leverage the new iAd system to generate targeted campaigns, and effectively subsidise the cost of opening the system up to more users.

    It would also pave the way for multiple cloud-based user accounts for the iPad.

    Nail on the head right there. From a business standpoint that makes tremendous sense. Apple would likely pull in much more revenue from advertisers placing content on a regular basis than they would from a limited subscription base. Make the service free, more people use it, apple brings in more $ from iAd services.

    is selena gomez and justin bieber dating. Selena+gomez+dating+justin
  • Selena+gomez+dating+justin

  • snberk103
    May 4, 10:33 AM
    So then you can't speak to whether or not it would actually be cost effective for the country to switch.


    Switching to metric is short-term pain for long-term gain. Older people will need have both measures used for a few years. Some Engineers etc will need to hit the books again (but let's face it - if they can learn the formula's once, they can look up the "translation". It's not like they forget how the principles work).

    The long-term advantages are:
    1) Less freaking-out of kids who are weak in math. "If you have a stick that is 3' 7 13/16" and need to divide it into 3 equal sections, what is the length of the each section to the nearest 1/64 inch?" as opposed to "If you have a stick that 1233 mm long....." - and no, I didn't check to see if they are the same -
    2) Same idea as above.... "If you have a tank filled with 450 cubic yards of water, and it is flowing out at a rate of 3 gallons a minute, how long does it take to empty?" as opposed to the metric system where 1000 litres of water is 1 cubic meter which is 1 tonne (approximately - since altitudes and temperatures affect the density of water).... but it's close enough for horseshoes....
    3) Manufacturing. As the last industrialized country in the world still non-metric, do people really believe that there isn't a cost when a US factory has to retool to provide a product for export? Or understand that the cost of goods being imported from off-shore includes the cost of retooling for an non-metric customer? Do people not think that some small factories in the US have lost contracts to off-shore customers because they couldn't afford to switch to a metric size? And that some US factories have probably been forced to retool anyway when the sole supplier of a component wouldn't make a special run of non-metric fasteners?

    Just asking. The days when the USA was top of the heap in manufacturing are past. The USA is now competing head to head with the rest of the world that has left behind bolts that are 3/16 diameter and 1 7/8 long and 12tpi.

    is selena gomez and justin bieber dating. And Justin Bieber Dating
  • And Justin Bieber Dating

  • Detlev
    Jul 30, 08:38 AM
    - The obvious untapped area is integration of VoIP, 3G, & video - but all the big companies are looking at that. The other thing that most mobile companies are having trouble with is the killer app - so many phones have data connectivity, and people just don't know what to do with it. If Apple can make a compelling product there the phone companies will want to sell it.

    ps. Apple might choose to make a phone with no music capability... just to delineate the product. That gives people something to understand... and then they can release the combo products.
    Exactly. How could a non-player break open the market without the big companies support and infrastructure? It's not a computer that people want to carry around. It is an extremely simple to use, not bulky, communication device.

    Using VoIP and 3G technology would be great but what service is ready to provide it in the U.S.? Apple is not going to sell cell phones to a few hundred people in three or four U.S. metropolitan markets and make money on it unless there is a way to open up the VoIP market BUT VoIP is going to get smothered in Washington politics soon enough so don't plan on that being free or useful (especially if NET NEUTRALITY is eliminated). A 3G phone would spark interest only from the standpoint that none of the networks could provide national (never mind international) service. It is a loosing proposition but I agree, they would have to differentiate it from other products (if it were real). Again the supposed photographer did not say it was an iPod phone. S/he would have made that observation.

    Another thing about this mystery phone. Have there been any licenses pulled by Apple for telecommunications devices? There have been patents for all sorts of neat things but this would fall into a new category for them, would it not. Therefore there would be a rash of legal moves going on.

    I'm skeptical of the whole cell phone idea. Would there be more use for a home phone or walkie talkie type radio, satellite, a computer phone accessory, or something else? I just don't see Apple providing hardware that gets limited distribution, where you would have to sign up for a two or three year service plan with yet another unreliable service provider that within a year or two will be merged into yet another, and a .Mac account if you do not have it yet, and the possibility that you have to cancel an existing contract with penalty. It just doesn't add up. It would be the most expensive cell phone/package on the market.

    is selena gomez and justin bieber dating. Is Selena Gomez Breaking the Law By Dating Justin Bieber? Posted by SunnyChanel on January 18th, 2011 at 6:16 pm
  • Is Selena Gomez Breaking the Law By Dating Justin Bieber? Posted by SunnyChanel on January 18th, 2011 at 6:16 pm

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 18, 03:08 PM
    To be honest, Samsung off of all competitors, deserves that.

    - iPhone design copy? check
    - iPhone UI copy? check
    - Apple keyboard copy? check

    Everything is copied.

    Samsung deserves that and I am sure Samsung will lose this.

    is selena gomez and justin bieber dating. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • Bear Hunter
    Nov 14, 12:20 PM
    My concern with A windshield mount is all the wires hanging down. Two if using power cord and speaker cord.

    Thoughts or comments?

    You just need to be a little creative to get around that. I did this for my Garmin Nuvi, and if I were to run this Tom Tom thing, I would find a place to mount it somewhere in the cockpit and do the same:

    Wired an aux cig adapter in the accessory box so it is out of site. It is wired so it turns off when the vehicle is shut down and powers up when the vehicle is on.

    Extended the wiring and ran it up behind the dash, up the pillar, and across the headliner to the mount. Like I said, you probably can't mount the phone this way (EDIT: Looking at the pics above, it does seem you can mount the phone this way), but the concept remains the same for mounting around the dash area. Extending the wiring for the Nuvi was a little more extensive than it probably is for this Tom Tom thing, because the traffic alerts are built into the adapter (which acts as a receiver) so I think there were a total of 13 micro wires that needed to be soldered individually.

    Full view of cockpit. No unsightly wires

    So get to it. It is possible to clean up the mounting solution.

    is selena gomez and justin bieber dating. Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber
  • Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber

  • wclyffe
    Dec 16, 10:34 AM
    just received an email detailing that BLT has an updated eta for 12/20

    Me, too.

    is selena gomez and justin bieber dating. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • breiter19
    Mar 28, 10:39 AM
    This is probably one of the silliest rumors I have heard, I agree with most of you that my iphone 4 is still magical as ever, but for apple to wait that long to update one of its biggest revenue producers. Especially when competitors are releasing new phones quite often. There is no way this rumor holds true

    is selena gomez and justin bieber dating. RELATED: Selena Gomez
  • RELATED: Selena Gomez

  • trondah
    Mar 31, 03:30 AM
    What everybody would like to know, is Safari any snappier?

    is selena gomez and justin bieber dating. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • res1233
    May 6, 04:05 AM
    I can see apple maybe putting an ARM chip in the macbook so it can run in low power tablet mode, but to complete replace the CPU really makes no sense. However lots that the do seldom makes sense, so who knows. The reason I won't be buying a mac again is simply because they are severly underpowered, gaming really sucks on them compared to what you can get on a PC.

    Apple needs to replace the optical drive with another AMD GPU, and Crossfire them sexy beasts up. Gone will be the days of Macs that can't run every game in existence at max settings.

    I'm surprised by the amount of resistance I'm seeing to this idea. I've assumed for a while that this move was inevitable. ARM procs will be fast, relatively cheap, cool, and energy efficient. Apple already has an OS for it which will see considerable convergence with the Mac OS in the near future. This will be a great move for Apple and for consumers, as was the move to Intel.

    I agree. Like i stated earlier, the transition from PowerPC to Intel was... Uncomfortable, but it was not painful in any way. There was a slight performance hit from running things via rosetta, but remember, rosetta is not wine. Wine's performance issues stem from the fact that it's having to implement an entire OS. All rosetta does is translate PowerPC instructions to Intel instructions and not much else. If Apple made the transition, the majority of users wouldn't even notice, because all their intel apps would continue to run for many years to come. The transition would be almost entirely transparent to the average user, just as the PowerPC/Intel transition was.

    Also, knowing Microsoft, if they ever made the switch to ARM, they would provide TWO versions of windows, one that works with ARM, and one that works with intel, creating the severe fragmentation that exists with 32-bit windows vs 64-bit windows, but for Intel/ARM. It's the main reason MacOS is so far ahead in terms of 64-bit deployment. No 64-bit macs are running 32-bit only OSes, and the devs know it. Not so with the windows world. I think the transition would be extremely painful for Microsoft if they don't at least try to implement universal binaries.

    is selena gomez and justin bieber dating. Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez
  • Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez

  • Chupa Chupa
    Sep 11, 11:16 AM
    I doubt a download service would be able to offer unlimited movie downloads, at least not for a price next to netflix. Netflix "unlimited" movies really aren't because they are limited by the speed of the post office (and artificially limited even more by Netflix if you watch too many).

    Except that under NetFlix, theortically (and I know people do this) you could get the DVDs, rip them, and send them back same day. Under a d/l scheme, you can only view the movies with a license. You only get, say 3 licenses. So you'd have to physically watch the movie, if you wanted to see it, before getting more. That would act as a brake on how many d/ls an avg. customer would make a month because most people only have time to watch 2-5 DVDs a month...if that. As for those who abuse the system, nothing to stop Apple from cutting people off just like Netflix does.

    is selena gomez and justin bieber dating. selena gomez and justin bieber
  • selena gomez and justin bieber

  • bbotte
    Nov 2, 08:09 PM
    well I installed this on both of my MacBook Airs, One is my Wife's. It found 0 on mine, but found 4 trojans on my wife's, all associated with Java. It pointed them out to me and when I found the file it pointed out, the software deleted the file for me. Not bad for free. Thanks Sophos, didn't know those were there.

    is selena gomez and justin bieber dating. selena gomez justin bieber
  • selena gomez justin bieber

  • JackAxe
    Apr 18, 05:07 PM
    Apple should sue Apple trees for their repeated use of Apple's logo! :mad:

    is selena gomez and justin bieber dating. selena gomez justin bieber
  • selena gomez justin bieber

  • MacRumors
    Aug 7, 01:47 PM (

    During Apple's Annual Worldwide Developer Conference Keynote given by Steve Jobs and a host of other Apple top executives and product managers, Phil Shiller introduced the PowerMac's Intel replacement: the Mac Pro. Advertised as having "millions" of ways to configure the machine, the base configuration includes the following:

    - Dual-Dual Core 2.66 GHz Xeon 5100 Processor, upgradeable to 2xDual 3 GHz.
    - 1 GB FB-DIMM RAM (2x512 MB), expandable to 16 GB
    - 250 GB Hard Drive, 3 empty slots (3 Gbps SATA)
    - NVidia GeForce 7300 GT (256 MB VRAM), configurable to ATI Radeon X1900 XT or Quadro FX 4500 (512 MB VRAM)
    - SuperDrive (2 5.25" slots total, 1 remaining)
    - 4 PCI-Express Slots (One extra-wide, taken by GPU)

    Visit the Apple Store (

    Aug 4, 12:05 AM
    Merom in the MBP for sure. Now.

    Apple is showing "64-bit" in the one banner.
    That banner is showing Apple's existing products, not future products. The 64 bit logo is no doubt referring to the current line of G5 machines.


    Jan 11, 10:28 PM
    Little problem with my TT car kit. My iPhone no longer automatically pairs with the car kit when I plug it in. I use to be able to turn BT on and plug it in the TT kit and it would pair in a few seconds. Now I have to manually pair the two by going into the BT settings on the iPhone.

    Anyone else with this problem?

    Mar 29, 09:06 AM
    It's yet another Dropbox offering that's a long ways behind awesome-integration with other products (Lots of apps sync data between devices via Dropbox). And, if I put a music file into dropbox I can play it, mobile device independent.

    Also, why would I only want my music accessible when I have internet? Any road trips from where I live (Utah) generally put me in EDGE territory which won't be consistently fast enough to stream the audio at enough quality, let alone the fact that there are several dead spots along the way. I'll stick to having my music on my iPhone. No buffer, no stutter, no data usage. Oh, yeah. That. Data usage. With carriers bottlenecking you now, you think they'll favor Amazon cloud delivery for people who want to stream their music all day long? They (Amazon) will probably also do some more compression on the files so it'll sound like listening to your music in a tin can.

    At first glance, being very pessimistic, I'm not really interested in this product.

    you might have missed apple's product release strategy in the last 15 years. release a product with a limited set of features that work well and add on later.

    same strategy here. if amazon waits until every possible listening scenario is taken care of they will never release a product. look at the kindle, all it does is let you read books and cheaply. and people love it

    Aug 2, 03:28 PM
    This is a DEVELOPERS' conference!! Steve usually announces something on ONE new/updated product. You guys who are "predicting" that Apple will update everything in the lineup are asking for a let down.

    ONE new thing (Mac Pro) will be announced -- speed bumps and other updates usually happen 2-4 weeks AFTER the Developers' Conference. iMacs and MacBook Pros might get bumped in early September but that's it.

    I think "one" new thing will be the Core 2 Duo. This is the chip developers want in their computers: Mac Pro and MacBook Pro. I think it will be introduced in the iMac as the "Oh by the way, I have been using one during this Leopard preview" because it seems Steve likes to do that.

    With all the talk that has been going on about performance/watt (the reason Mac switched to Intel) the new Merom chip will news worth a Keynote spot.

    Nov 26, 01:14 PM
    If this device is gonna be anything larger than what can fit in your pocket, it's gonna be a limited-function home remote. It may have video and music capabilities in combo with iTV, but it's not gonna be small, and it's not gonna be designed to leave the house.

    Any truly portable device is gonna have to be phone-sized. Hopefully, we'll see both products, the iPhone *and* the iTablet, for different but complementary reasons.


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