Saturday, 4 June 2011

Health TIP: stomach ease, stomach flat!

ok... so i had to share my secrete weapon with you guys!!
we all LOVE food and we tend to LOVE the ones that are bad for us more!
GO FIGURE! lol complicated humans :p
well this little Genie in a bottle was introduced to me by a Genius
who owns a great organic health supermarket in Hamra Beirut. 
introduced to me by my Dad "God bless him"
if you have stomach issues like IBS "irritable Bowl Syndrome" 
or just stomach issues in general!
I HIGHLY recommend this!

here is why!!!

Lifestream Biogenic Aloe Vera is a digestive tonic that is soothing to the lining of the stomach 
and intestines and supports smooth and natural digestion. 
It will help maintain healthy intestinal bacteria, assists in healthy functioning of 
the digestive tract and supports the immune system.
Lifestream Biogenic Aloe Vera Juice supports a healthy stomach and efficient digestion. 
Aloe Vera has anti-inflammatory properties 

and supports healthy immune function.

The pure 'inner gel' of the Aloe barbadensis plant contains numerous plant phytonutrients and active components such as Saponins and Polysaccharides, essential for cell growth and renewal.

Lifestream Biogenic Aloe Vera Juice is prepared from Aloe barbadensis plants at the peak of their nutritional potency. 

Adult dosage is 20-80mL daily 
(best taken on an empty stomach)

Bon Appetit! 



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